Changes in your nails indicate that your body functions have changed

Nail breaks:

1. The blackened nails and broken spots under the nails indicate that the infection has caused (severe heart infections) myocarditis, other heart diseases, and bleeding disorders.

2. Some people have relatively rough nail surfaces. If you look closely, there is a vertical stripe. If this happens in a short time and disappears quickly, it is usually due to overuse and overwork. If the vertical lines are always present, it may be a chronic disease of the internal organs. If it is black ruled, it shows that the function of liver and kidney is relatively weak.

3. There is a horizontal stripe. When it first appears, it may first come from the bottom of the nail. It gradually moves upwards as the nail grows. This is a situation where the horizontal stripes on the nail are a kind of lesion that has already occurred. record of. If the stripes are small and numerous, it means long-term chronic digestive diseases such as gastroenteritis, colitis, and stomach problems. If there is a deep horizontal stripe, it means that there has been a serious gastrointestinal illness. The deeper the more serious, the shallower the more chronic. The horizontal stripes, if raised, indicate heart problems, liver problems, and lack of vitamin A, B, etc.

4. The Crescent Moon Tells Us The crescent on our ten fingers has a close relationship with the internal organs. For example, the crescent moon is associated with the lungs and spleen. If the thumb crescent is pink, it indicates that the pancreas is not functioning properly and is susceptible to repeated colds. Fatigue; If the crescent moon of the index finger is pink, then it means that the gastrointestinal tract is not good; if the crescent moon of the middle finger is pink, it means mental stress, easy dizziness, headache, unclear thinking, brain swelling, insomnia, dreaminess; If the ring finger of the crescent moon is pink, it means endocrine disorders, and it is easy to get gynecological diseases such as irregular menstruation. If the pink crescent moon of the little finger is particularly pink, it means that the heart has poor blood circulation and abnormal visceral function will cause some self-conscious symptoms. When it is red, it is susceptible to severe heart disease.

5. Fragile nails may indicate iron deficiency, thyroid problems, impaired kidney function, and blood circulation problems. Fingernails are brittle, soft and fragile, and lack nutrition, which may indicate hyperthyroidism.

6. Black nails and/or thin, flat, spoon-shaped nails are all signs of vitamin B12 deficiency or anaemia. (If the hand is exposed to detergents, allergies, the nails may also be blackened or grayed out)


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